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Annual membership meeting 2020

The conference was led by two members from the Board of Directors, Professor Dr. Helmut Kaulhausen and Professor Dr. Christian Gnoth.

Project in Asmara/Eritrea:

Due to SARS-CoV-2, the missions planned for March and October 2020 had to be cancelled. The last medical education and training (incl. basic ultrasound taught by Deny Saputra) of the midwives at Orotta Hospital and at Edaga Hamus City Hospital was carried out in October 2019.

Project in Zanzibar/Tansania:

The fact-finding mission at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital (10.000 deliveries/year!) was not able to take place in the summer of 2020 because of an unclear coronavirus situation in the area. Dr. Andrea Zimmermann gave a detailed report.

Project in Fort Portal/Uganda:

Edeltraut Hertel has visited the Fins Medical University in 2019 where our organisation was asked to support a new Bachelor course for midwives from Uganda. The first mission planned from August to October 2020 had to be delayed until 2021.


The members of the Board of Directors were re-elected for two more years. Thomas Lorenz was elected as a new member for the advisory committee; the five other members are continuing their activitie