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Project Eritrea

Sustainability through Education

The government of Eritrea is working hard to improve medical services and conditions to their citizens. But the devastating effect of its civil war (1961-1991) is still felt, such that the country still lacks medical specialists. Women, especially pregnant women, and children suffer the most.

One of our main goals is to provide local doctors, nurses, and midwifes practical guidance and teach the necessary theoretical backgrounds for examinations of newborns and their timely treatment in case of complications and innate diseases. Another important aspect is the improvement of reproductive health. This entails family planning, contraception, but also reproductive medical services. The unfulfilled dream of having children plays a big role, also in Africa, and is a disease that can cause great suffering.

To achieve our goals, we have medical teams of specialists, doctors, nurses, and midwifes that regularly visit Asmara twice a year. Under the special consideration of sustainability, MET4A primarily trains and provides continuous education to local staff and personnel. Our approach is working and delivers results. Because of improved facilities and higher skilled local doctors and staff, more and more women and children receive adequate medical support.

The number of maternal and neonatal deaths in Asmara has declined since 2004!

The families are just as happy as we are about this great success.

Project Description

Project name:
Project in Eritrea
Asmara, Eritrea
Kind of activities:
obstetrics, education of midwives and physicians, improvement of local facilities
C. Gnoth in Eritrea Open image gallery