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Who are we? What are we doing?

Most non-profit organizations outside of government (NGOs) are children networks or catastrophic relief projects that provide short-term or long-term aid in case of disasters.

Our registered charity, MET4A (Medical Education and Training for Africa e.V.), is different. We help to self-help by elevating competencies through education and continuous training at local sites. The founding members have been and continue to be active in many African countries.

Twice a year, an experienced team of practicing midwifes and doctors, is deployed on a two week mission to an African country (focus on countries with high maternal and neonatal deaths). By training local doctors, nurses, midwifes, and other medical staff, we achieve long-term sustainability. Part of our program is the continuous education of young specialists like obstetricians and children’s surgeons since these skills are in high demand.
In sub-Saharan countries, obstetrics is performed by midwifes, even in major hospitals. Therefore, it is important that midwifes and other helping staff are not just trained once but receive continuous education. This includes ultrasound examinations for expecting mothers and reanimation of newborn babies.

Our non-profit organization is based in Remscheid, Germany, and a registered charity under German law at the City Court in Wuppertal (VR 30974), also in Germany. As an international NGO, we seek tight partnerships with teaching hospitals in the specific countries as well as cooperation with the local WHO and other organizations such as German Doctors e.V..

The quality of our missions is achieved through academic competence combined with many years of experience in the field. The high quality of knowledge and experience is evidenced not only in regard to the project volunteers themselves but also extends to the Board of Directors and Officers of the organization.

We receive financial support from private donations and from approved grants by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), The Fresenius Foundation (EKFS), and German Cooperation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ).

Frank Dehnke
Frank Dehnke,Managing Boardf.dehnke@met4a.org
Prof. Dr. med.  Helmut Kaulhausen
Prof. Dr. Helmut Kaulhausen,Managing Boardh.kaulhausen@met4a.org
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Gnoth
Prof. Dr. Christian Gnoth,Managing Boardc.gnoth@met4a.org